Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's Fatehr's Day

Over the last several months I have gone back to the creation stories in Genesis as a source of personal inspiration, and for use in pastoral care as well. St Mary's has been using the Theology of the Body for teens, in its confirmation preparation. I am always taken aback by the power of the Word of God. God speaks and creation comes into being. And is it in Jeremiah where the prophet alludes to God carving us in the palm of his hand. In God the Father there is this great power and strength, but also an intimacy and compassion.

Back in the late eighties and nineties there was sort of a mini-men's movement. Over the previous twenty years men had become lost in the cultural shuffle of the time, and sort of lost their place. What is man's role in society and in the family? Books like Iron John sought to provide some models and examples of how to be 'manly' in our culture today.

But to go back to Genesis, we as Christians have been given the role of men and women in our world today. Males and females are meant to compliment each other. Somehow we reached a place whereas we believed we were in direct competition. But no, we are made for each other. Now there was an article I found on the Web some days ago, entitled, "Why women can't park?" While it seemed like it might be an attempt at humour, in reality it spoke to the truth that men' s and women's biology is very different - apart from the obvious. Our brains and physiology respond to various stimuli in very unique and different ways. It is all good stuff too.

About five years ago the University of Wisconsin, Madison, came out with a series of studies on the family, and familial roles. Time and again the researchers reiterated the importance of a mother and a father. Moreso, while T.V. and movies relegates the father to a secondary role, or that of a buffoon, the reality is that the male parent provides a unique set of principles and directions which compliment and enhance the role of the mother.

Going back to Genesis, God makes them male and female, commanding them to go forth and multiply. God the Father is the creator and the giver of life. God the Father shows strength and compassion. Where do we find our models of Fatherhood? It is in the Sacred Scripture where God's word brings all things into being. Today we honor fathers for their strength and leadership. They reveal to us the fullness of life and all that is of value and importance. We ask God the Father to be with these men always.

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