Friday, February 17, 2012

A Matter of Religious Freedom

Recently there has been much in the news in regards to the HHS mandate that would require religious institutions to provide contraception and birth control for it's employees.  The U.S. Bishops have been steadfast in their objection to the government imposing requirements which are in opposition to the Church's moral teachings.  While some have proclaimed that the Church should change it's teachings, the issue comes down to the government, any government, infringing on belief and morals.

More and more as our society becomes more secularized, and people begin to view religion as a personal manifestation, governments will feel free to step into the religious sphere.  About a year ago one of the States attempted to mandate how the administration structure of a parish should formed.  The State government felt free to move into Canon Law.  The more we whittle away these basic freedoms, the less free we actually become.  Religion will become a 'State' institution; something our fore bearers left Europe over.

It is very important that we pay attention to what is happening in this regards.  We should also pray for our Bishops and offer them our support and encouragement.  This is the time for us to write to our legislatures and congress-people, they need to hear from the people they serve.

This is a serious time in our Church.  So often when we think of religious persecution we think of the martyrs of old, and solders storming church buildings.  But in reality it is far more subtle than that.  This present time also give credence to way we need to know our faith and understand Church teachings.  Just a hint, the major news organizations are not the best catechists.  Faith does not allow us to be wall-flowers, but obliges us to respond as members of the body of Christ.

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