Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Mass is brought to you by.

If there was some way of avoiding it, I would not mention the Mass intention of the day.  First and foremost because people come to believe that this is "their" Mass.  It is an ownership that is perceived in a very unhealthy way, sometimes with less than liturgical ideas of flower placement, pictures, or even prayers.  Secondly, and the cause of much consternation, is that it is often easy to mispronounce various names,  While I have no problem with the Eastern European names, the Italian and Greek are somewhat tricky.

The common everyday catholic might not understand that the Mass at ones local parish is really the prayer of the whole Church.  When we celebrate the liturgy we are celebrating with all believers everywhere, in connection with the heavenly community, and that on earth.  There is a document entitled, General Instruction of the Roman Missal, which is the guiding foundation of the Mass.  While we might like certain music, or would prefer the sanctuary decorated in a particular manner, the General Instruction, or GIRM, gives a guideline to each aspect of the celebration of the Mass.  The priest is obliged to follow the directions of this document for a proper and valid celebration of the Mass.

Obviously some aspects are more important than others.  It is essential to use only bread and wine for the celebration of the Eucharist.  While the altar should not be obscured by decorations, a single floral arrangement is not problematic.All this is for the reverent and standard celebration of the Mass.

In addition to Mass, each of the rituals has its own directions.  The Marriage rite does not include an elaborate procession, and as of recently includes the Gloria, during a wedding Mass.  As to Funerals, we do not have eulogies, and catholics can have cremains present at a funeral Mass.

When we talk about 'our' Mass, it is ours in the sense that we are Catholic, and gather together to worship in spirit and in truth.  The celebration of the Liturgy of the Word, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist draws us together as a community of faith and Body of Christ.  Doing liturgy well allows us to concentrate on more heavenly matter.

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