Thursday, October 18, 2012

St Luke the Evangelist

We attribute both the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles to St Luke the Evangelist.  The third of the synoptic Gosples, Luke has give us an extensive birth and passion narrative.  Luke speaks about a Chritian life that aspries to high ideals, which includes prayer as an important component for the believer.

Luke gives us an indication that the apostles were aware of their need to be learners of faith, and in their role as disciples of Jesus Christ.  They seemed to sense in Jesus an inner strength and were in awe of his relationship with God the Father, in heaven.  More so, Luke conveyed the importance of a Christian response to the poor and anawim, and their unity with all people of faith would further the mission of Jesus to the nations.

In particular it would seem both in the Gospel, and the Acts of the Apostles, the twelve were most conscious of the tasks they would need to carry on as they continued on the mission and ministry of Jesus.  Luke was very good at making the connections betwween the life of Jesus, and his Paschal Mystery, with the revelation of the plan of salvation we have from God.  Like all of the other Gospels, Jesus was not simply doing nice things because they were good to do.  Rather there is a direction to the Kingdom.

In reflecting on our own initiation into the Paschal Mystery through the scraments, and our life of faith, we can know who Jesus is and come to reflect that identity in our living witness to Him, and to the love of God which he taught.  Our own Discipleship asks us to take responsibility for the faith which we profess.  We bring together in mutuality the gifts we have received, and the the needs and concerns that present themselves, and carry out ministry in the name of Jesus Chirst.

Very much like the persons we will meet in the Gospel of Luke we are called upon to reflect carefully upon the Word of God, and to with the grace we recieve through the Holy Spirit make known the mystery of faith we celebrate.  In whatever way we can we are to act as disciples of Jesus and show care and concern for all of those in need.  By doing this we continue on the activity of Jesus and are able to announce tha the 'Kingdom of God is at Hand.'

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