Sunday, June 2, 2013

Body and Blood of Christ

St. Paul today reminds his listeners that our blessing and sharing of the bread and cup, are done in memory of the Christ who saves us.  More over our participation in this Sacred meal is at once a comfort and a challenge.  St Paul will say later on that if we receive this meal unworthily, then we are eating to our own condemnation.  Paul implies an interior disposition, and an exterior response to the Eucharist which we receive.

We have to say from the start that the Eucharist we celebrate and participate in is the Body and Blood of Christ.  It is not simply blessed bread but consecrated elements of bread and wine that have been transformed into Christ's Body and Blood.  In the same way then that food is changed and becomes part of us, the Eucharist becomes part of us an Christ lives within us.  When at St Edward's High School, if I came around the corner to the sound of profanity or other un-chaste conversation, I would ask whether they received the Eucharist with that same mouth.

Christ Jesus presents himself to us in very simple signs and symbols.  Vatican II calls this sacrament, and the liturgical action surrounding it, the source and summit of our catholic life.  This action is what unifies us and brings us into communion with each other.  The Body and Blood of Christ are the great equalizer which demands that we remember all that God has done to save us.  The ultimate act of love an charity, by the Father, are repeated each time we celebrate this mystery, and asks us to share what we have received through God's love and mercy.

Now there is a sadness in that many who had received the Eucharist for the first time several weeks ago have not been seen since.  Lately person opt out of having a wedding or funeral Mass.  It would seem that Jesus is not invited to participate in these lives.  The mission and ministry of Jesus was certainly about caring for those who "Were like sheep without a shepherd."  The Eucharist reveals to us the nature of our God and his life with us.  It is a challenge but also a promise of salvation.

God have given us His unconditional "Yes" in this sacrifice of the altar.  We gather together in faith and love to say "Yes" back to got.  With this food for the journey we offer our faithful response.

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