Sunday, September 22, 2013

Make Friends With Dishonest Wealth

It would seem that Jesus is giving a wink and a nod to dishonesty.  The quirk some passage from Luke applauds the dishonest steward for being dishonest.  But perhaps we can look at this in a different way.  In particular in light of the Prophet Amos who recognizes that greed and the accumulation of power have warped a once holy people and set them against the covenant. 

In an odd way when dishonest folk know that their dishonesty has caused them all sorts of problems, then they begin to look at virtue, mercy, and life.  What is really true begins to become clear.  I remember a man asking me to come to his house on a particular evening.  He was very upset, he and his wife had been having some real difficult times, and he thought that I might be able to resolve their differences.  When I pulled up to the house there was a U-Haul backed up to the garage, and the wife was putting clothing and some furniture in the back.  Yes, maybe I could do something.  Sometimes when we have done wrong, and the consequences begin to expose themselves, we begin to look for help.

Money, power, authority, are fine things as long as they do not control us  Where your treasure is there your heat will be.  It is so very important to become acquainted  with the covenant relationship which we have with God.  Then we can orientate ourselves with whatever is true, perfect, and good.

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