Saturday, November 30, 2013

St Andrew the Apostle

It has been long understood that Andrew was Peter's brother.  Andrew was one of the first apostles to follow Jesus, and was called to be one of the twelve.  After the Pentecost Andrew preaches in central Asia, east of the Caspian Sea, Greece, and Byzantium.  Legend tells us that during one of the Christian persecutions, Andrew is arrested and later crucified on an X formed cross, somewhere in Greece, during one of his last missions.

In a homily by St. John Chrysostom, St. John reflects on Andrew's eager words to Peter, "We have found the Lord."  St. John goes on to speak about this zealous character, but more so, Andrew's ability to reflect back onto the larger story of salvation.  The word of Jesus emboldened Andrew to share the message of Jesus with his brother, but also eventually those to whom he was sent to preach the Good News to.

While there were scary moments for the Disciples, disciples do not let fear keep them from proclaiming and living faith.  I had read a letter in a newspaper the other day from a man who stated he understood the Christian stance on same-sex marriage, but since public opinion seems to be for it, maybe the churches should change their teachings.  Then should the churches change their teaches on thievery, falsehood, and discrimination too?

Like those  first witness, Andrew teaches us that we have to be true to the center and source of our faith.  The cross of Jesus Christ reminds us that suffering and death are part of the Christian story; and so is the resurrection.  We must keep our attention focused on the larger story of God in the world.  Vatican II Lumen Gentium    teaches us to be a model of faith for others and so build up the Body of Christ.

St. Andrew is a great saint for this time of year whereas we hear the word of the Prophets proclaiming the coming of the Christ.  Advent people live in a world of joyful hope sharing the story of salvation with everyone.

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