All this week we will be reading from the Book of Genesis at Liturgy. Again here we have an indication of that intimate relationship we have with God. I cannot help but to think of a little child playing with clay, forming an object, and excitedly running through the house to show off what he or she has made. I can imagine God with the same sort of excitement as He creates men and women. The book of Genesis tells us that God blessed all creation and pronounced it to be good.
One of our young altar servers is really turning out to be a good server. The few times he has had to serve by himself, or with just one other server, he is forward thinking enough to move a few things in the sanctuary, so to be more efficient. At the Opening Prayer, for the preparation of the gifts, and the Prayer after Communion, he has the Sacramentary open to the Propers. Please know he is a normal, sometimes goofy, eleven year old. What is most evident is that he has some very loving parents, and grandparents, that encourage him, correct him, and are very present to him. I think that is where he finds his confidence.
If we could begin to appreciate how much our Father in heaven loves us, we too could live out our lives with faith and confidence. My of my favorite saints is Catherine of Sienna. At a very terrible time in the Church, she made the bold decision to challenge the Pope to come out of hiding and return to Rome. Knowing that God loves us and has blessed us we can make bold proclamations and live our faith fully, with the confidence of the children of God.
There is that campy song we used to sing in the Sixties, "They Will Know we are Christians by our Love." That is really true and holds a lot of credibility. So let's let our Spirits long, soar, and cry out "Abba Father."
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