This story of the Samaritan Woman at the Well is a wonderful description of conversion and coming to faith. Her own sinfulness and confusion in life has led her to a life where she comes to the well alone. Perhaps it is her perpetual alone-ness that has caused her to be a woman of 'ill reputation' in her community. Outside of the fact that we know she has had several husbands, we know very little information about her here. Jesus offers a possibility that there is more to her search than simply a bucket of water. Jesus offers her living water. In their conversation we see this woman move from the literal nature of the conversation to the deeper meaning behind what Jesus is making present to her. Jesus is probably the first person that has shown her any sort of love and compassion. Unlike her relationships in the past Jesus respects her dignity and integrity. All the nourishment needed in order to grow faith. And like so many other neophytes of scripture, she suggests to him that he is the Christ. We will do the first of three scrutinies today at Mass. The elect come forward and we prayer over them, asking that they be set free from evil as they approach the living waters of baptism. This action is a great opportunity for the entire parish to consider our connection to baptism and even to the Church. Are there avenues we go down, looking for water, where we shouldn't be? Do we seek after dead end solutions to feel good, when what we really need is healing and forgiveness? We join the elect in discovering the living water offered by Jesus the Christ. The woman in today's Gospel becomes a real steward of faith. She joyfully receives God's gift, she nurtures it, shares it in justice and charity, and it increases. One with Christ she becomes a proclaimer of good news, and a disciple of Jesus Christ. Transformation by through the spirit of God helps us to keep on track in our faith, and to continue to uncover the grace God has bestowed upon us. But we have maintain ourselves around the fountain of life giving water. As Jesus offers this woman the gift of faith, we hope and pray that our own faith is well watered. It is in communion and unity with God that helps us to live as God's children, truly human and alive.
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