Monday, September 5, 2011

The Rule Police

In some of his recent letters and addresses, Pope Benedict will refer to the law of love.  He will quote or paraphrase the Matthean text which calls us to a love of God and neighbor.  Following this type of love moves us beyond a 'good boy' or 'good girl' mentality.  True love would invite us to do good for others because it is the right thing to do.  Now that confuses us because we begin to ask, Do we respond to all of the needs that we see around us?  Obviously we cannot do that.  But there are situations where we do have the ability and the responsibility to care for.

Today's Gospel from Luke is a good example.  When Jesus proposes to offer a cure on the Sabbath, there is silence.  Everyone knows what the rules are.  Rather that to offend the sensibilities of those who watch over the rules, the people remained silent.  When I was principal at St. Edward High School, one day we had a girl faint in the restroom and hit her head.  Well, rather than drag her body out into the hall, risking further injury, I went into the girl's restroom.  There were some audible gasps.  Obviously the care for another super cedes our convention and practice.

If we follow our faith simply by following rules, we lack any growth or reflection.  Church becomes sort of like living in the land of Oz.  We listen in fear to the man behind the curtain.  Our faith is messy to be sure.  Mostly because it involves the engagement of men and women in very human lives.  We look at compassion, kindness, gentleness, and reconciliation, as the ways and means of living together in a faith community; and with the world.

Look at the real question that Jesus asks us today.  Is it right to do good or evil?  When we begin to respond in that venue, then we begin to live by the law of love.

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