For the people of Deuteronomy, and of Jesus time, the most important precepts that one needed to follow, was the covenant and the law. The Pharisees and Sadducees spent hours mulling over the smallest iota of the law. The law became sort of a check-list as to evaluate how you were living with God, and one another.
So when Jesus comes upon the scene, it seems like he is going to do away with the law. Jesus tells the peoples that nothing is farter from the truth. They expect this Jesus, who does nice things for and to people, to abolish the law. No Jesus tells them, he is here not to abolish be to fulfill the law. For Jesus the law is too narrow and he comes for its fulfillment.
So Jesus begins with expounding each of the main categories of the law. It is not enough, Jesus say not to kill, but do not allow anger and rage to disquiet others. Do not commit adultery is too narrow, Jesus tells his hearers. Lust and impurity disregard the innate dignity that is part of al men and women. Jesus wants his listeners to know that we go above and beyond the basic tenets of our faith. We are to strive for holiness and work to transform our very lives.
We are made in the image and likeness of God. This fact brings to us a particular identity and a challenge as to our own self-worth and value of those we engage with in life. Looking at the news one can become discouraged as we see the variety of awful and terrible violence, abuse, and oppression which takes place. Human life is sacred and requires our respect as well as our full and active response. I our engagement of each other we are always on sacred ground.
I recall a gentleman from a parish, long ago and far away, who advised me that he did not need the sacraments, nor the Church, since doesn't go around killing people. More so, as he went on, God and he have an understanding. I thought 'how beautiful.'
But the reality is that all of us need to be aware of our words, thoughts, honesty, chastity, charity and understanding. This is why we need to call upon the Holy Spirit so as to know the will of the Father, that we might be always obedient to him. In a world that can be ugly and un-Christ-hard and like, we need to have the courage to live a life of Christ.
As we trek through the gospel we can come to recognize that it is fraught with many challenges. If we love Him, as he loves us. We do not need to chop off our hands only remain faithful to the Lord
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