Sunday, May 2, 2010

Love one another

I looked out into the church today and saw five couples I would like to have be in a marriage support process. These are awesome couples. They are prayerful, come to church, have great families, and have "normal" families. These are the kind of couples that are those signs and symbols when we talk about the sacrament of marriage.

The gospel today from John is part of the Last Supper discourse. Jesus prepares the disciples for the crucifixion. It is important that the disciples reflect on the passion, death, and resurrection, as the Fathers faithful love for his people. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is his love poured out for all people. The idea of taking up one's cross becomes very real and tangible here.

To be sure in marriage, and in most parts of our life, when we take love seriously, it always reflects the reality of the cross. We make that decision to love, especially in difficult moments, which then draws us closer to the Father.

Today's 9:30 Liturgy was sort of a microcosm of parish life. We had three baptisms, three first communions, candles to replace, a half-dozen persons needed to speak with me, and I left my glasses in the sacristy. I am reminded of the words of several older priests who would muse, "love your people, and you'll do fine," There is so much truth in that.

The Prayer of St Francis invites us to be n object of peace. People will know we are Christian by the way we love one another.

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