Sunday, February 27, 2011

Of birds and wildflowers

St. Matthew is drawing to a close in in the Sermon on the Mound. Jesus begins his mission and ministry here. For his hearers, he sets forward his plan for the Kingdom of God. From the Beatitudes all the way through chapter 7 we see that this is a radical and prophetic ministry. Today Jesus tells us not to worry and to be happy. Again he is calling for an interior disposition that is lived in the exterior reality.

I started my homily today with a story about my brother Tom and a collection of four leaf clover leafs he had. He was always trying to make lots of money, and the clover leafs seemed to be the answer. Our family, with six kids, was not exactly rich, and we had to live in a very frugal manner. I realized this many years later. But we were happy.

Our one big vacation was Springfield and the Lincoln sites. It really was nice. But for the most part it was vacation time in the state parks and forests. Now this was the sixties and seventies so our family fit in with most of the hippies and the like. Again while we did not have a lot of stuff, I do not remember feeling deprived. On rainy or really cold days, as kids we would play board games or cards or some other game of our making. But life was good.

I contrast this to families I know whose whole life seemed to be consumed with where they had gone on vacation, what brand name clothes they had, and which newest toy they possessed. And yet they are not seemingly fulfilled or happy. They continue to look over their shoulders and compare themselves to all around them. To be sure there has be the question here of how we use our resources and the gifts we have. This of course is true not only for the individual but for nations as well.

St. Matthew offers us a hint in the chapter 5 and 25 as to what values we should be searching for. Becoming a peacemaker and giving water to the thirsty is far more valuable in the Kingdom than our brand name shirt and what friends I have. Love and mercy draw us closer to God and others than the passing fads of the day. We know this but ought to be reminded of it from time to time. Seek the Kingdom of God first.

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