Sunday, April 17, 2011


Jesus enters into Jerusalem triumphantly. It will be many of the same people who proclaim, 'Crucify him!' Sin and Evil do terrible things to us. On this Palm Sunday we witness the central act of Jesus' mission, his Passion, Death, and Resurrection. The Paschal Mystery draws us into the salvation and peace of Jesus Christ. Matthew who is speaking to a largely Jewish audience wants us to understand that Jesus is the fulfillment of the covenant and the promise of the prophets. Salvation is not only about the forgiveness of Sins, per se, but it ushers in a new lifestyle.

In Matthews passion narrative two figures stand out: Judas and Peter. Judas is becoming disillusioned with Jesus. Perhaps he is still looking for that warrior king. Seeing that this is not in the near future, he arranges to have Jesus arrested. Peter has moments of understanding and revelation. He reaches back into his upbringing, begins to understand the 'Christ,' but then he gets in the way and makes silly statements. Fear and bravado are two of his major obstacles.

Because Judas cannot understand the 'Christ' part of Jesus, realizing what is happening (he just wanted the Pharisees to rough him up a bit) he goes out and ends his life. Peter has begun to have insights into Jesus the Christ, realizing the possibility of forgiveness, goes out and weeps bitterly.

Matthew wants us to understand that Jesus who takes away our Sins does so by his sacrifice, as well as his lifestyle of holiness. The latter is a life in which his followers are invited to participate in. Remember Jesus begins his ministry with the Beatitudes. What better way to describe a life of selfless-ness and mercy than to espouse values which are counter cultural. But it is a life in which we participate in too. The last judgement scene is great. Blessed are those who give water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked, and comfort the grieving.

What a wonderful week we are to begin. I love Holy Week. The Paschal Mystery frees us from Sin and Evil, and allows us to be children of God. "He will save his people from their sins." So we continue to live with Christ boldly pronouncing, Lord by your death and resurrection you have set us free, you are the Saviour of the world.

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