Thursday, June 2, 2011

Get Busy

In days gone by this would be Ascension Thursday. The feast was moved so that more persons could celebrate this sacred feast. While I personally had always liked the concept of celebrating this moment 40 days after Easter, I can understand the reasoning. In the context of the Paschal mystery, the Ascension begins to complete the work of salvation through Jesus Christ. I had read one commentary which suggested that the Ascension is the other end of the Incarnation.

In the readings these last several days Jesus prepares his followers for the ministry which lies ahead of them. Jesus prays for them, and for us, asking that we be consecrated to the truth. The Good News is about proclaiming and imitating Gospel truth. The Acts of the Apostles has already demonstrated to us that this early Church struggled to make sense out of faith, questioned what ministry should look like, and work through various interpersonal difficulties. Through it all this body of believers relied on faith and the vision offered by Jesus.

Way back in 1965 the Second Vatican Council offered a document entitled, Apostolate of the Laity, which described the salvation of the world renewing all of creation. The mystery which we celebrate and are baptized into is a transforming event. Through Jesus Christ all men and women are renewed - as is the whole sphere of the created world. We who are connected to this mystery are obliged to make this mystery known. We catechize our children as well as living rightly with God and others. I have always liked the quote, and applying it to Christianity "What I do after I say Amen."

Jesus is really preparing faith leaders for the world. We cannot be observers of all that is good and true. Because Jesus prays for us, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, we know and believe that we have an eternal helper. In all that we do we speak the word of God. Later today I am going to the grade school for their end of the year field day. Even in playing kickball, the possibility of proclaiming Good News exists.

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