Sunday, May 29, 2011

I will send an Advocate

Remember the Star Wars sage? Young Luke Skywalker is suddenly thrust into the position of saving the coalition which is threatened by the evil empire. In addition to this rag-tag group he discovers that he is in possession of this "power," for lack of better term, called the 'force.' Luke's mentor and guide is Obi Won, who keeps Luke centered and tries to keep him from impulsiveness. This same force can be used for evil and selfish gain, and Luke is encouraged to use his special gifts for the good and safety of others.

As the apostles are about to set out on ministry, Jesus discloses to them that he will always be present to them, and to the Church through the Advocate, in the person of the Holy Spirit. This ongoing relationship is a sign and symbol that the Father loves us. The Paschal Mystery has made us one with God, now this same relationship will be our source of strength and courage through the Holy Spirit. In the Acts of the Apostles we can see how this relationship enables conversion, and brings healing and peace into the lives of men and women.

The mission and the ministry of the Church today center on continuing to proclaim the Good News. To be sure there are many situations where the 'evil empire' seems to pervade in the culture of death. We respond through the power of the Holy Spirit in a culture of life. As St. Peter will tell us we are should teat each other with reverence and gentleness. Such behaviour stands out and becomes a witness for the Paschal Mystery.

May the force of God be with us.

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