Monday, August 15, 2011

Assumption of the BVM

Our celebration of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, has much to do with the Paschal Mystery, and God's plan of salvation. The Assumption teaches us that Mary is set apart as the Theotokos, or God-bearer, and has a special part in God's plan of salvation and redemption. Because she bore the Word of God made flesh, she was taken into heaven body and soul. Two things to remember, that Mary was not effected by original Sin, and the body is made sacred.

Mary shows herself to be a faithful disciple. She trusts and believes in the Word of God. So much so that she actively participates in the action of salvation. When she hears about Elizabeth's status, she goes to help her. Receiving the Word of God requires faith and trust in God's promise. Possessing the Word of God challenges us to take responsibility for the faith we have received. The love of God and of others is paramount to our faith.

The Magnificat that we hear in Luke's Gospel today is sort of a summation of salvation theology. God continues to intervene in human history to bring about the Kingdom of God. Using simple and broken human instruments God lifts up the lowly and feeds the hungry. Perhaps this is why Mary's soul is so full of joy. Once again God enters our lives to bring us salvation and peace.

This feast is about the communion we have with God through Jesus Christ, and a reminder of God's great faithfulness in our lives. Hopefully like Mary we can be full of joyfulness as we reflect all that God has done for us, and share in becoming true disciples like Mary.

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