Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Spirit of Truth

In high school and college, part of my television entertainment came from Saturday Night Live.  Most of the members of the original troupe became well loved mainstream actors and actresses.  The SNL skits were very funny for our teen-aged and young adult minds.  Everything from the Loud's, to the Church Lady, were parodies on the experiences and major news stories of the day.  There were enough suggestive remarks, and off color humor, to make the show and characters memorable.  As I have tried to watch the show in recent years though, I have found it more offensive than not. This is not from some sense of maturity, but the attempt at humor has become become vulgar and cheap.

In some ways this is our culture today.  We live in a place where everyone is a social commentator and a comedian; all in one.  As Paul and Silas launch out into the world to proclaim Good News, they find their message receiving less than a popular hearing.  They were going into a culture that was consumed with having, and an unusual philosophy of one's body and spirit.  To be sure they were in a place and time that was overtly materialistic and sensitized.  The message of the Gospel, with it's emphasis on compassion, love, and mercy, did not find an eager hearing among the various hearers.  More so to advocate a lifestyle based on moderation, charity, and chastity, was laughable by many.

Television shows such as SNL, are an indication of what our culture finds acceptable in regards to humor today, in addition to a base attitude towards the human person.  Discipleship as perceived in sacred scripture is more about instilling a sense of Christ-ness in the world today, through the love of God and one another.  Our Christian witness really has to be prophetic.  I have been recalling the story of "The emperors new clothes," as of late, and call to mind that the truth is found in the innocence of a child.

Faith and reason allows us to be in the world, yet to rise above the culture of the day.  If we are striving for truth then we cannot allow the vulgarities of the day to dissuade us from being and doing good.  The message of the Gospel really is a threat to many people today.  It asks us to be profound in matters of love, charity, justice and peace.  We are called to take seriously our human dignity, and respect life from the womb, to the tomb.

Every time we proclaim Good News there is a risk that someone will want to chase us down with a pointy stick or sharp instrument.  But in the realm of things it is a risk worth taking.  Going forth and proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord.

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