Sunday, June 3, 2012

Holy Trinity

Throughout the centuries men and women have attempted to grasp, or even to describe, the mystery of the Trinity.  St. Augustine has written some wonderful texts on the relationship that exists between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  He expands our understanding on the relationship and communion of the Trinity.  In more recent times Karl Rahner had offered some insightful direction of the Trinity, and how it exists for us today.

This icon depicts the relationship of the Trinity.  The three angelic figures are Father, Son and Holy Spirit, reclining with each other at table, with a space at the table for us.  To be sure this latter piece is essential for us to take home.   In Baptism we enter into this perfect communion,  In water and the Holy Spirit, through the Paschal Mystery, we now share in the life of the Trinity.  Now we have always had a connection with the Trinity.  The Father's love continued to 'hound' us down throughout the generations.  When men and women wandered away from God's love, God reached out and drew us back in.

This is an important part of the relationship.  In John's Gospel there is an intimate relationship described between the Father, Son, and Spirit.  Jesus speaks about the union that he has with the Father, and even more so, he does not act on his own, but does what the Father commands.  And as he prepares to offer himself on the cross, he promises the apostles that they will send their Spirit upon the apostles.  While at one point we tried to describe the Trinity in relation to 'creator,' 'redeemer,' and 'sanctifier,' a more apt description would be the relation of perfect love that exists in the Trinity.

In recent weeks we have seen soft news stories in which total strangers have given to others with no expectation of return.  On a regular basis we hear about people celebrating 60 and even 70 years of marriage.  To be sure there is a lot of selfless love, forgiveness, and nurturing going on in these relations.  Then there are religious men and women, priests, who have remained in ministry, even through very turbulent times.  These are folks who have touched the divine, and likewise share the image of the Trinity with others.  Like the Holy Trinity is the sign of perfect love and unity, people who make attempts to love selflessly become a sign and symbol of that same perfect love.

In creation, salvation, and divine providence, the Holy Trinity is not merely theology or a proposition.  It is the way that God loves, and a model for our relationships.  God comes into our midst as one like us, so that we could become more like Him.  So we ask God to continue to bless us Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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