Monday, June 4, 2012

Take Lord Receive ...

Most of us are probably familiar with the Anima Christi, "Soul of Christ Sanctify me, Body of Christ Save me"  This is a great prayer of meditation and of abandonment.  Sometimes when I ask people to pray a prayer of abandonment, or the Prayer of Francis, I get some real funny looks.  It is a real challenge to let ourselves become immersed into the persona of Christ.  We want some control.  Our spiritual life tells us to seek Christ in all things, and in all places.

When Blessed John Paul II spoke about the New Evangelization, he was indicating a process of formal teaching and preaching as well as a lifestyle among all men and women.  There was an article that I came across on Face book the other day asking the question as to whether Jesus was "nice."  I have spoken about this (though no one ever publishes my works) for some time now, that Jesus was not about simply being nice to one another.  The Gospel message is not conveyed by niceness, but by a radical and authentic faith.  In Mark's Gospel for instance, Discipleship is the ability to go to the cross with Jesus.

Yesterday at our grade school graduation there was a non-catholic family at the Mass.  Their child is a wonderful young lady who is respectful and caring as well as a very good student.  It was evident that the Mass was very unfamiliar to them, they sang louder than most of the catholics and were very attentive to the scriptures being read.  It was apparent to me that the most important part of this family's desire for their daughter was a faith education.  the "catholic things" might have seemed strange, but they desired faith.

In the midst of the wickedness and evil in our world, we cannot afford to have our expressions of faith to be a private matter.  We really need to be profound in charity, social justice, and compassion.  But like the rich man, we cannot get there if we are in our own way.  Personally I think Stewardship and Evangelization need to take center stage in our Church-life.  But as a Church we need to seek the truth and to make bold proclamations of the Gospel message.  It is a message not just about being 'nice' to others, but bearing Good News.

Later in the summer I will be going up to a recreation area to have Mass for a World-wide marriage encounter group.  Some are a bit uncomfortable with their faith expression, it can and should be a challenge to those within, and outside of the Church.  We empty ourselves and take on the ways of Christ. Our new lifestyle teaches, preaches, and sanctifies.  By being poured out like Christ we can become worthy instruments of his love.

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