Sunday, December 15, 2013

Advent 3

A few weeks ago Pope Francis promulgated Joy of the Gospel.  In it he spelled out the need of the Church to unfold the Word of the Gospel in very real and practical means.  Pope Francis comments that he wants a Church that is "Bruised, Broken, and Dirty for having been ministering in the streets."  John the Baptist tries to ascertain whether on not Jesus is the Messiah. The response that Jesus gives is that the blind, lame, afraid, and leprous are cured.  The poor and the anawim have the Good News preached to them.

Bringing Christ into the world is serious business.  But it means that we have to recognize the signs of God that are in our midst.  Like the disciples we 'Come and See' where the works of Christ are accomplished.  When we find healing, forgiveness and the beginnings of peace and healing, then we will also discover the Messiah.

I have had the humble opportunity of watching young people all fired up over the faith.  It is awesome to watch them simply going to church, and recognizing that they have a place in the Church.  They have come to recognize that faith, religion, and Church, are not about a series of rituals and rules, but rather a relationship established in the Paschal Mystery.  To be sure they understand that a faith life is messy, and it is certainly not about unicorns and cotton candy.  We exist with God because God exists with us.  This intimate relationship we have with God draws us onto a journey in which we are always seeking the Christ, the Messiah, who gives meaning and purpose to our lives.

In so many of the places and spaces that I have been, I have com to recognize the need to evangelize and catechize.  The are a lot of folks, who like John the Baptist, who are wondering about Jesus.  We church-people need to confirm that Jesus is Lord as we worship in spirit and truth, and seek justice and healing for those around us.

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