Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Angel Gabriel appeared to Joseph in a dream we are told, and tells Joseph not to have any fear in taking Mary as his wife.  And Joseph obediently takes Mary into his home.  It seems that Gabriel encounters a lot of fear and anxiety.  The Word of God tends to unsettle us, to be sure, but Zachariah, Mary, and Joseph are fearful and anxious.  Perhaps they are not used to having angels around the house.

But the reality of fear and anxiety is that it causes us to make bad decisions, and hinders the Word of God.  Later in the Gospels we will see folks who are afraid at the words and actions of Jesus and desire to put him to death.  In the Acts of the Apostles Stephen is executed because his words cause fear among the religious authorities.  Much of the reaction towards the Church and its teachings are based in fear and uncertainty.  This sort of reaction causes us to close ourselves off from others, we become very apprehensive and uneasy.

What Joseph does have in his favor is that he is a righteous man.  Decent, moral, and virtuous, Joseph will do 'good' things because they are good things to do.  For us too the more we come to know that our holy God loves us, and are engaged in the holiness of God, the easier it is to move beyond fearfulness and respond to God freely, and out of love.  Humanity is broken and messy.  But God continues to love us and gathers us in mercy and in love.  Joseph knowing this kinship we have with God embraces the plan of salvation which God offers.

As a people called to holiness we can allow the hurts, pains, frustrations, and anxieties of life dissuade us from hearing God's voice, and taking upon ourselves the course of salvation.  More so we do not always seek healing or peace as we try to nurse our wounds on our own.  So we seek quick and easy solutions to difficulties, or worse yet try to hide away.

We really have to take time and meditate on the meaning of Emmanuel - God is with us.  This is the same God who forgives, supports us, and fills up what is lacking in our life.  When we can "Proclaim the greatness of the Lord" in every aspect of our life, we are less persuaded by fear, and are more strengthened by goodness and love, so as to participate in the story of our God.  Mary and Joseph, hearing the Word of God, nurture that Word and bring it into the world.

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