In other lesser noticed news, Pope Benedict XVI appointed several women to top Vatican positions. These are mostly diplomatic roles which have oversight of the relations between the Vatican and other world nations. But it is an important movement. And our Holy Father continues to reach out to the leaders of other religions. In very small ways, prayer together, agreeing to work together to address issues of poverty, Benedict is breaking down walls.
In the Acts of the Apostles we are reading about the dynamic mission activity of that early Church. Inspired by the Holy Spirit this faith-filled community continues to proclaim Good News to the ends of the Earth. IN the midst of this we also read about their struggles, misunderstandings, and occasional divisions. Even more so in the letters of St. Paul we hear about the difficulties that arise in the very early Church.
That the Church has continued to remain strong over 2,000 years is a real testimony to the Holy Spirit and the power of the Paschal Mystery. Anytime we forget what we are about then we begin to struggle. Forgetting the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ will always cause us to fall in on ourselves. I like using the image of staring at our navels to such an extent that we begin to weave prayer rugs out of navel lint. Gross yes, but when we become so introspective then we begin to shut out the meaning and purpose of who we are as Church.
It is really important to rely on the sacraments and the scripture to remain centered in the mission of Christ. The Word is not proclaimed by what we wear or the title of a new program. Vatican II spoke about the Church being given the tools of the Holy Spirit to build the Church. By the Spirits guidance and direction we launch forth to proclaim Good News.
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