Sunday, July 3, 2011

Come to Me All You who are Weary

At the Evening Hour, in the Liturgy of the Hours, we pray the Magnificat, as part of this daily prayer. From Luke's Gospel, Mary muses on the wonders of God. From one generation to the next God feed the hungry and lifts up the lowly. This reflection of the faithfulness of our God is a response to the question of why someones would declare an unconditional 'Yes' to God, as well as sets the stage for many other's faithful response to God. In a seemingly foolish manner, God continues to pour out love and mercy upon His creation.

But when we compare the goodness of God to the often empty promises of those in power and authority, we can begin to see the wisdom in placing our hope in God. "Come to me all who are weary," is about the compassion and love God holds out to us, but it also asks us to understand that the life of discipleship leads to healing and wholeness. While standing for justice and truth, or reconciling in most difficult situations, might not have readily observable results, but is advances a virtuous and holy lifestyle. The very gentle and humble Mother Teresa, or the very holy Padre Pio, would probably bristle at the thought of their saintliness. Today we see them as models of faith and strive to imitate them the best we can.

The ways or better the yoke, of Jesus Christ is by far the more perfect way. Now it is not the easy way, but it does lead one to the intimacy of that Father-Son relationship we read about in Matthews Gospel today. What declares itself as a value so often today is more like cotton candy. It never really fills us up or manages to satisfy us. Jesus' way brings us salvation and peace.

Mathew today will begin to present the lifestyle of the Christian. To follow Christ means that we entertain a particular way or vision throughout our life. In this beautiful reading today we are asked to proclaim the greatness of the Lord by a lifestyle based in truth and virtue.

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