Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Today marks the beginning of the wonderful season of Lent.  When we think solely of meatless meals and somber tones we ahve already missed the meaning behind the season.  The prophet Joel puts things into perspective as he calls men and women to "Rend your hearts, and not your garments."  Multitudes of people will come to Church today to 'get' ashes on their foreheads; the question should be raised as to whether that will make a difference in their lives this Lent.

To be sure the combination of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving, are a means to recognize our Sin and brokenness, so as to set things right in relationship with God and others.  We might lose weight if we do not eat desserts, and can learn to communicate differently if we do not use profanity, but the bottom line is whether this enhances our relationship with God.  What is at stake here is our spiritual life and legacy.

And perhaps our eating, drinking, and use of inaapropriate langauge might be a problem, but this time is to move away from behaviour and attitudes which are less centered on God, and more centered on us.  There really needs to be a sense of Christ-ness in our daily living.  Lent asks us to not only prepare for the Paschal Mystery, but to embrace it whole-heartedly by a renewed lifestyle.  So even if our giving something up, or works of charity, are only temporary, it should be a springboard into a life of holness and passion for our Lord.

Turn away from Sin and believe in the Gospel!

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