Monday, February 11, 2013

God Bless Benedict XVI

Today's announcement of Benedict XVI resignation is not something that happens everyday.  The last time this happened was about 600 years ago.  Benedict cites his declining health as a major reason for his decision.  Benedict has always been a scholar first of all, and has not been like his predecessor John Paul II. 
Now the popular media will see this as sort of like a presidential campaign and attempt to draw lines between the 'conservatives' and the 'liberals.'  But our Church is a spiritual edifice which is the Body of Christ.  Christ unfolded the Church before us to continue his mission and ministry.  To be sure the Church has suffered at the hands of others, and or itself, at times.  But it is connected as a spiritual body to the Kingdom of God, and the proclamation thereof.
As we should everyday, we keep praying for the Church; asking the Holy Spirit to guide it and to keep it from evil.  As we draw closer to the election of a new pontiff, we will pray that the Spirit guide these men in their decisions.  Then we will rejoice with the Church as we meet our new leader.
During Lent is a great time to consider the Paschal Mystery, which is really the foundation of our Church.  Hopefully the grace of the mystery we celebrate enable us to continue the work of the 'good news.'

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