Sunday, February 24, 2013


Lent keeps pushing our sinfulness before or face.  A day does not go by that we are not reminded how broken we are.  In the culture of, "I'm okay, you're okay," this can be hard to take in.  But while we are made in the image and likeness of God the Father, and have the promise of salvation and peace through the Paschal Mystery, we do tend to bump our heads, trip over each other, and forget to love, as we are loved by God.

The overwhelming glory of Jesus, the vision the apostles behold in the transfiguration, leads back to the transfigured Body of Christ which expresses the divinity of Jesus.  Not unlike the miracles, this 'Jesus' moment is not just to dazzle Peter, James, and John, but for the revelation of the Christ, who is the Son of the living God.  Like many of the other glorious events portrayed in the Gospels, the teachings, and the forgiveness of sins, we have the foundation of the mission and ministry of Jesus, as well as an insight into the Kingdom of God.

The vision of Jesus glorified, in addition to the voice proclaiming Jesus as a Beloved Son, that will give courage and strength to the apostles.  The late spiritual writer, Fr. Henri Nouwen, reflects that in the hours that led up to the crucifixion, Jesus must have reflected upon the voice of God reaffirming his favor.  So for ourselves when it feels that we are being led to the cross, or in the garden amidst spiritual or emotional agony, and feel alone, it is the mountaintop moments that remind us that we too are the beloved children of God.

More so, it is that identity as God's children and perhaps having experienced the presence of God's Son, that can give us the strength against Sin and Evil.  When we are tempted to stray, doubt, or feel fear gathering within us, we recall  the sight of Jesus, the love of the Father, and the voice which reassures us of our place in the Kingdom. 

The appearance of the suffering servant in glory, reminds us that we still have to go to Jerusalem.  we cannot stay on the mountain - yet.  But that is okay because with the assurance of belonging to God the Father, we have the ability to stay away from Evil, do good, and live as children of God.

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