Thursday, April 25, 2013

Scripture scholars believe Mark's Gospel to be the first, and oldest, of the gospels.  It is certainly the shortest, and is used as a source for the two other synoptic gospels.  Second century historian Papias of Heiropolis maintains that Mark, as a follower of St. Peter, wrote down the life of Jesus according to the teaching and preaching of Peter, the Apostle and first Pope.  Accordingly he was careful not to omit or interpret anything that was not true.

In Mark Jesus moves quickly from one ministry situation to another.  There is a sense of urgency to the ministry of Jesus as he continues to speak about the Kingdom of God.  For Mark's Jesus, the Kingdom is the fulfillment of the prophets, and is already here.  The Job of a disciple is to live and proclaim the Kingdom.  More over the Kingdom is not based on authority or position, but it is conveyed through the acceptance of the cross and becoming a servant leader - like the master, Jesus Christ.  So discipleship is very much about conversion and announcing the presence of God's Kingdom.

The chosen disciples are slow to understand the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ.  It is only after they experience the Paschal Mystery do they begin to comprehend what Jesus' life, suffering, and death, are all about.  The resurrection is then the revelation of the Father's unending love for the whole world.  It was then after they witness the Ascension did they take up the call to preach.

This Gospel is an invitation to we who are baptized, confirmed, and receive the Eucharist, to become proclaimers of the 'Good News.'  Conversion and discipleship are an ongoing task that we have as we confront Sin and Evil, and strive to make known all that we hear and see in our life with Christ.  Servant leadership asks us to take responsibility for the faith entrusted to us.  With Marks Gospel in hand we too can go into the world and proclaim the Kingdom.

Again this is not simply the job of 'Sister' and 'Father.'  The Church, the whole Body of Christ, takes up the ministry of discipleship in the world today.  Driving out demons and healing folks is a job for all of us.  So we take this seriously to the ends of the earth.

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