I have always loved this particular story from Acts 8:26-40. The Ethiopian eunuch is reading Isaiah and encounters Philip. After Philip describes the suffering servant passage to him he desires Baptism. They stop the procession, Philip baptizes the eunuch, and is whisked away to a new mission. But the Word of God, and the teaching of a disciple have brought this man to faith, a faith which caused a desire to be baptized.
The RCIA and RCIC are supposed to be like that. Now the ideal program would be a three year program for adults and older children. Persons come into the parish throughout the year. There are some introductory sessions concerning the Church, sacraments, and scripture. Most importantly the person(s) talk about their relationship with God. In September there is a formal series of classes that is centered on faith and the teachings of the Church. This concludes with the Baptism and/or Confirmation and Eucharist, at Easter. Then the last year is taken up with even more learning and drawing the person(s) into the life of the Church.
The Parish can really be an instrument of catechises and evangelization. Actually it really has to take on that role. Many of our ministries and contacts are with the unchurched and uncatechized. Not unlike the eunuch they are reading or encountering something of the faith, or even the Church, and not fully understanding what they are taking in. But how can they understand unless someone explains it to them. So the greeter at the door, the Lector, and especially the Catechist, all have a role in bringing the faith to people.
Bringing people home to Christ has a lot to do with faithful discipleship. We hope that our experience can help othes have an experience of God.
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