Okay, its not that bad yet. I thought that we might make it through this winter without any boiler problems. But a few weeks ago it decided not to boil water at one point, and the next week the valves were all blocked. Then in the courtyard and around on the sidewalks you can see where pieces of the brick are falling apart. If we had lots and lots of money, we could probably gut the building, put a new heating plant in it, and fix the skin. Or of course take the entire structure down and build a new building.
I had often thought how different some of our programs and even Sunday mornings would be if we had a place to go which was comfortable and dependable. Right now its used a lot and has a multiplicity of problems. Eventually I want to put real pictures of the building here.
Speaking of which. I had another strange idea while walking the dog yesterday. We have a bingo set up and a kitchen. We have been doing game night once in a while. I wonder how it would be to combine a dinner in the gym, with cards or other games, and then have bingo down in the cafeteria. Just an idea.
The two groups I always feel bad about are the young adults and the elderly. For the latter, I still want to do a trek to Our Lady of the Snows, or Holy Hill. The biggest expense is the bus. For young people, I am really a boring person and cannot think of a good activity for them. I had thought of a foreign film night or canoeing. But do young people really like that? I am a nerd so I do, but what about that 19-29 year group?
Well I keep hoping that a new building descends from the heavens, and we get some volunteers for fore-mentioned groups. I keep reminding myself: Catechesis, Evangelization, Stewardship.
Prayers joining yours for that new building and those ideas for those two age groups.... :)